
I heart Faces: Photo Challenge | Sun Flare

amateurs worry about equipment,

professionals worry about money,

masters worry about light,

I just take pictures...

- Vernon Trent
SunFlares Bring a whole different element to a picture.....it can make all the difference in a good picture and an incredible picture..

We decided on a beautiful sunny afternoon to introduce our beautiful niece to the lake for a piknick and her very first dip in the water...needless to say she LOVED every minute of being out there and of course i brought my camera to document her adorable exploration of everything which resulted in the perfect picture of squishie (our nicknme) wearing her beach hat, sitting in the sand and the absolute PERFECT sunflare!!! A very wonderful day in all! You just cant not smile when you look at the picture! I would love to read your comments if you stop by...visitors are so very welcomed!!! <3<3<3

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